I just fired off an email to a client and signed it Elle Fredrix! Should I be afraid? Is my alter ego starting to take over my life?
Actually, I’m surprised I haven’t done this before. I’ve become so used to being Elle Fredrix online, that it’s a miracle I haven’t signed more business emails that way.
Now I have to explain myself and not look like an idiot. Which will be difficult, because I don’t want this person to know I’m a writer! Better off she just thinks I’m insane!
Whoops! But you’re creative, I’m sure you can think of something as a good believable cover
That’s funny!!
I would LOVE to hear how you explain that.
Yeah, waiting to hear the explanation!
qeswriter/insane insane/writer…the two words are completely interchangeable in my book!
I knew I’d truly lost it when I called my hubbie of 17+ years by the name of my hero I was writing. :0
Now when we have a ‘personal interlude’ he always wants to know if its him I want or if I’m just doing research! LOL
So how’d it turn out? LOL
Very interesting. So do you ever feel like the real you is really the pen name? Did she buy what ever you told her?
LOL. Can’t wait to hear the story you cooked up to explain this one!
To those that are dying to know what happened – nothing! She didn’t email me back. Either she just skimmed and didn’t see the sig, or she’s too afraid to ask.
Sara, interesting question. I had to think about this, but I’ve decided that Elle really is who I am. I haven’t created a new persona and given her a name, I’ve just given the real me a second name. Of course, either way, it’s whacked! :o)
Erica, thanks for dropping by!