If you land on my blog and it hangs your computer, my apologies! It’s hanging mine as well, which is why I’ve stopped blogging. I couldn’t stand the frustration anymore.
I did spend an entire weekend troubleshooting, but that turned out to be a giant waste of my time. Blogger doesn’t like something on this blog and I can’t figure out what it is. Although it may be an Internet Explorer issue, because it seems to open fine in Firefox and Safari.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know why I wasn’t blogging. But don’t worry, I’m still out there in webland.
Hi Elle,
I just read your story on the Read a Romance website and loved it. Have you thought of submitting to Woman’s World (or maybe you already have)? I think your voice would be perfect. Let me know if you want the details.
Hey Marcy!
Thank you. Yeah, I subbed to them a few times. Even made it right up the chain, but never ended up selling. And that was when they had the 1K word count. There is no way I could keep to the 800. Actually, the story I sold to Wild Rose was one that WW finally said no on. I added to it, subbed again, and sold it.
Hey, if you have any short stuff, you should submit something to read-a-romance. You fit the guidelines!
Take care. Good to hear from you…
Ugh…that sounds sooo frustrating. I have 2 stories with WW right now, one of them is a revision request. But I’m not holding my breath for a sale. I know the competition is pretty tough.
I may just take a crack at subbing to Read-a-romance. Why not, right!
Congrats again…I loved the story.
I had the same problem with my blog site. Worked fine in Firefox and Safari but IE was a mess! it turns out that if you are copy/pasting from MS Word, there is underlying style code that goofs IE up.
The advised fix was to write in notepad.
Hope this helps!
George, I just saw your comment and that is exactly what I do!
Thanks for the info.