Lost & Found – Chapter One
Note: This is a 79¢ read set in Toronto, Canada. It's the first chapter of something I may or may not complete in the future. If you want to read their full story, add your voice and request it by commenting below! ----------------------------------- About 3,200 words...
Emily & Tyler – Chapter One
Note: This is a 79¢ read set in Crabapple Landing. It's the first chapter of something I may or may not complete in the future. If you want to read their full story, add your voice and request it by commenting below! ----------------------------------- About 3,000...
I’ve Been Here All Along
He'd expected this. He'd even hoped for it. But he still felt a twinge of -- pity. She'd been stood up. Again. Here she sat, alone in an upscale restaurant, dressed in her favourite little black dress. Kevin watched her...
Dog Days ~ A Clean Short Story
Lian Meng is facing a tight deadline. As a forensic accountant, she needs complete focus, but her new neighbor’s dog has shattered the peace of her home office. At her breaking point, quiet, socially awkward Lian, stomps next door—and finally meets her neighbor!
Elle Fredrix, Clean Romance Author!
Welcome to the virtual home of Elle Fredrix, clean romance author! It won’t take much for you to figure out it’s been a while since I last blogged. In fact, the last time I posted this site was hosted by Blogger, and that was several years ago. However, I’ve moved...
My Blog is Broken
If you land on my blog and it hangs your computer, my apologies! It’s hanging mine as well, which is why I’ve stopped blogging. I couldn’t stand the frustration anymore. I did spend an entire weekend troubleshooting, but that turned out to be a giant waste of my time....
From The Funny File…
Ah, romance. Isn't this sweet?
Another New Release from my CP
Mixed Blessings Daniela Blessing’s ability to see crimes through the eyes of victims is a mixed blessing. She thinks she’s a handmaiden of Fate, but when Vincent Gabriele accosts her one sunny morning he calls it eye for an eye justice. He’s willing to keep her...
My CP Has a New Release Out!
Ready to Reel When Suzette Michaud reels into the arms of a man she wouldn’t ordinarily look twice at, she reexamines her priorities. Fed up with the social limitations her parents, and her French boarding school background impressed upon her, she decides it’s time to...
Things That Make You Go Hmm
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?'